Wednesday, May 14, 2008

McCain and the NRA

Ambinder is covering the NRA endorsement better than we could, so check that post out.
"We've had our disagreements, everybody knows it. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on those. We're not foolish enough to ignore the vast areas of agreement in which John McCain has been a friend to gun owners."

This is less interesting for its position as for its style. As McCain tries to chart his path between swing voters and the conservative base, he will be seeking endorsements from a variety of staple conservative interest groups. While some may choose to dodge the election entirely and others may throw personal history and voting records to the wind to issue glowing endorsements, this may be the first of many painfully honest statements from key GOP leaning organizations. More from the AP:
National Rifle Association chief Wayne LaPierre says Republican John McCain isn't in lockstep with the group on every issue, but the nation's gun owners aren't "foolish enough" to ignore their common ground.
LaPierre was critical of Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, saying both are pandering to gun owners by "mouthing pro-Second Amendment words."

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