Sunday, April 6, 2008

Non-NCAA North Carolina News

A new North Carolina poll is out, showing Obama leading by 23 points up from 7 only a month ago. Political Wire jumps onto more defection numbers, these reflecting that 56% of Clinton supporters would go McCain over Obama in November, despite the myriad reasons that these numbers are almost worthless.

The more interesting notes, however, are that this poll reflects similar gains that Obama has been making in Pennsylvania and that 77% have followed the Bosnia scandal. Despite 63% of respondents agreeing that "most politicians lie or embellish the truth when discussing their own accomplishments," 23% and 25% agree that it's a very important and somewhat important issue, respectively. While it's unlikely that Clinton will be giving a concession speech under media-induced sniper fire, persistent press problems and continued internal turmoil with the resignation of Mark Penn are ensuring that the campaign slips on any footholds it might stumble across. If Clinton expects to make this a competitive race again, and to convince the vast swathes of the party who believe that it ceased to be one some time ago, these problems cannot persist.

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