Wednesday, March 26, 2008

GOP Attrition and the Presidential Elections

Darryl or I will write a real introductory post at some point, but I figured I'd just start writing before we had time to construct something cohesive.

One thing that has become quite apparent about the 2008 Congressional elections is the sorry state of the GOP. 5 GOP Senators are not seeking reelection, as compared to 0 Dems. 26 GOP House seats are open this cycle, as opposed to 7 Dems.

None of this is new information, and the attrition of GOP candidates, either new or currently serving, continues day by day. The latest is in NY-25 where the GOP's only candidate, Peter Cappuccilli Jr., has recently withdrawn his candidacy due to health concerns (h/t Hotline On Call).

What is particularly interesting is that even as the bloodbath that is the current state of the Democratic presidential race continues, causing a disadvantage for either Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton against GOP nom. John McCain, GOP incumbents and challengers continue to abandon ship.

McCain has, so far, been succesfull in distancing himself from the dismal reputation of the Bush Administration. The question in November will be, can Republican congressional candidates do the same? And will the disarray at the top of the Democratic ticket help Republicans retain seats? Right now, it doesn't look like if the GOP candidates think it will be enough.

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